The Journey So Far



The Perfect Perch's journey has been nothing short of amazing, and we are extremely grateful for your support so far. We are determined and committed to making Perfect Perch extraordinary, but the center of this vision has always been you! We thought it would be great sharing our own story to encourage as you write your own.

Yes, it started out from our own low back pains, which prompted us to set out the mission to find the right solutions. Challenges were everywhere and constant, and we would like to share a few with you to let you in on our story, our journey so far:

  1. The Fear: it started in the mind, soon after the vision to build Perfect Perch was formed. Even with many years of successful eCommerce experience under our belt, the fear of "is this a good investment of my time and money", "can I find the right business partners", "how will I communicate the amazing benefit of our kneeling chairs", and many other questions came up. The fear was real, but the passion was stronger. We decided to fight our fears by re-directing our energy to working diligently in every aspect of the business, and look where we are today!
  2. The Products: we had many prototypes with different features and specifications, and this process was also not easy. Each time we had to spend time designing and improving, and the wait for the results was always nerve-wrecking. "What's the ideal thickness and material for the cushions", "wood is beautiful, but there are more points of failure in the manufacturing process", "what's the easiest way to adjust to the correct chair height and angle", and etc.. There are countless hours spent on building the products right, but it's worth every second when we decided on our current lineup! Still, we are continuously looking for areas to improve.
  3. The Issues: due to the global pandemic, we had lots of delays in the shipping process from our factory to Amazon's warehouses. Costs started adding up as we tried to expedite the shipping flow, and we had to switch shipping partners midway to ensure products are available to you as quickly as possible. Even today we are going through some logistics issues that some of your favorite products are still out of stock (SORRY!!!). We also saw one manufacturing issue in the initial batch for one chair, and we had to quickly coordinate with our partners to ensure we fix it immediately. We remember the sleepless nights and early morning calls still. 
  4. Keeping the Why: things are rarely smooth-sailing, but we overcame so much already! One thing we always try to keep in mind is that we need to remember our "why." Our vision, our why, is to provide you with the most beautiful chairs to keep you healthy - body and mind. It's too easy to get lost in the day-to-day, or be emotional when things go wrong, but remembering our why on the daily basis keeps us going strong!

The reason we are sharing our journey with you is to encourage you to stay strong and true to your purpose and why. You are talented and skilled in your own profession, but it must have taken you lots of challenges to be where you are today. Remember these lessons that brought you this far, and always be ready to accept the next challenge. Let's do it together!